Sunday, April 20, 2008


You always hear people say that they couldn't sleep last night, or they fell asleep really late because they couldn't fall asleep at a normal time. Many Americans do suffer from mild insomina, some worse than others. But there are thigns you can do to insure you get a better nights sleep, without medicine. The following are ways to get to sleep easier. Mnay people take sleeping pills, but a natural herb called valerian might work better, without making you feel groggy int he morning. Although it would tkae about 2 weeks to build into your system. Eating heavier in the day makes your body wokr harder to digest, tiring you out by night time. Cutting out caffeine and alcohol late in the day can help as well. Exercising earlier in the day and drinking a lot fo water can help your body to stay well rested also. Napping sho9rt periods of time like 15 to 30 minutes have shown to be benmeficial, and they do not take away your sleep time at night. Anythign more will cut into your normal sleep cycle time. Next, do not force yourself to sleep, this does nothign. Only sleep when your sleepy, because your body has iots own schedule. And lastly, amke a schedule and stick to it, try not to go to bed later thna usual on some ngihts because this will disrupt the pattern.

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